What is the Delphinus?

What is the Delphinus?

Delphinus is a northern constellation sitting above Sagittarius constellation, between Aquila and Pegasus. Delphinius spans 6 degrees of the Zodiac in the Sign of Aquarius and contains 3 named fixed stars. This is a bright cluster of 18 stars, five of which are of the 3rd magnitude. It is easily distinguished by the four brightest, which is in the head. It is always figured as a fish full of life, and always with the head upwards, just as the eagle is always with the head downwards.  In Greek legend, Delphinus is thought to represent the creature which saved the life of the poet Arion. When he was sailing home to Corinth, the ship’s crew mutinied stole his fortune and appeared about to murder him. Arion pleaded for his life, begging to be thrown overboard since he knew that the beauty and sweetness of his songs would charm the creatures of the sea. And so it transpired as, when the seamen threw him into the water, a dolphin immediately appeared and carried him safely to land. It was rewarded for this act by being placed in the heavens.

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