What is the Euphorbia Obesa?

What is the Euphorbia Obesa?

Euphorbia obesa is a spineless, gray-green, dwarf, spherical succulent plant with transverse red-brown or purplish bands. It can grow up to 8 inches tall and up to 3.5 inches in diameter. Rudimentary, caducous leaves. Usually 8, vertical, broad, slightly raised ribs with shallow furrows in between. The small inflorescence is borne on short peduncle from stem apices. Female and male flower are born on different plants. The fruit is a slightly three angled capsule, up to 0.3 inches in diameter. With age, the plants may tend to become more columnar. In general, the stems are fairly small, usually growing to about 2 to 3 inches in diameter, although I have seen plants up to about 5 inches or so in diameter, and to about 8 inches tall in the largest plants. Unlike the growing habits of most of the other succulent Euphorbias, which tend to branch candelabra-style until they take up a significant amount of table, or floor space, E. obesa typically remains unbranched, remaining compact throughout its life, making it especially suited for growers with limited space.

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