Who is Isaac Newton?

Who is Isaac Newton?

Born in England in 1642, Isaac Newton attended Trinity College in Cambridge. While there, he took interest in mathematics, optics, physics, and astronomy. After his graduation, he began to teach at the college and was appointed as the second Lucasian Chair there. Newton’s greatest work, Philosophiae naturalis principia mathematica, was completed in eighteen months. It was first published in Latin in 1687 when Newton was forty-five. Its appearance established him as the leading scientist of his time, not only in England but in the entire Western world. In the Principia Newton, with the law of universal gravitation, gave mathematical solutions to most of the problems relating to motion with which earlier scientists had struggled. Newton died in 1727, at the age of 84. After his death, his body was moved to a more prominent place in Westminster Abbey. During the exhumation, large amounts of mercury were found in the scientist’s system, likely due to his work with alchemy.

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