What is the Hercules?

What is the Hercules?

Hercules is a large constellation in the northern hemisphere. It was originally included on the list of constellations by the Greek astronomer Ptolemy in the 2nd century.  The constellation Hercules occupies an area of 1225 square degrees and contains seven stars with known planets. It can be seen at latitudes between +90° and -50° and is best visible at 9 p.m. during the month of July.  The most notable deep sky object in the constellation is Messier 13, a globular star cluster, the brightest and finest one of its kind in the northern hemisphere. It contains several hundred thousand stars. 145 light-years in diameter, it is easily spotted in small telescopes. It is also called the Great Globular Cluster or the Hercules Globular Cluster.   Hercules is located between the night sky’s 4th and 5th brightest stars, namely Arcturus in Boötes to its west, and Vega ( in Lyra to its east. To the constellation’s north lies Draco and to its south Ophiuchus.

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