What is the Messier 87?

What is the Messier 87?

Messier 87 is an elliptical galaxy object of interest in space. It lies at a distance of 51.870-55.130 light years away in the constellation of Virgo. It is referred to as M(87) when it was cataloged by Charles Messier in 18th – 19th Century France. Messier 87 was discovered in 1781 by Charles Messier. The Elliptical Galaxy’s location is 12:30.8 (R.A.) and +12:24 (Dec.). M87 has a mass of about 6,600,000,000 times the mass of the Sun with a diameter larger than the Sun with a diameter larger than the orbit of Pluto. Its Visual Brightness is an 8.6 Magnitude and has an apparent magnitude of 10 with an apparent dimension of 7.0. There is a supermassive black hole at the heart of M87 that has the mass of about 3.5 billion Suns. This object is a strong source of multiwavelength radiation, particularly radio waves. Between the stars is a diffuse interstellar medium of gas that has been chemically enriched by elements emitted from evolved stars. The M87 Galaxy is a true elliptical galaxy. It is a super massive elliptical galaxy sitting in the Virgo constellation.

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