What is the Venus Flytrap?

What is the Venus Flytrap?

Venus flytrap is a perennial carnivorous plant of the sundew family, notable for its unusual habit of catching and digesting insects and other small animals. The only member of its genus, the plant is native to a small region of North and South Carolina, where it is common in damp mossy areas.  The Venus Flytrap plant, unlike most plants, actively seeks insects, not to pollinate, but to feed on. You see, Venus Flytrap plants grow in soils that are poor in nutrients. And Venus Flytraps catch insects and digest them for the nutrients that they cannot get from the soil. The plant, which grows from a bulb-like rootstock, bears a group of small white flowers at the tip of an erect stem 20–30 cm tall. The leaves are 8–15 cm long and have blades that are hinged along the midline so that the two nearly circular lobes, with spiny teeth along their margins, can fold together and enclose an insect alighting on them.

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