What is the Ophiuchus?

What is the Ophiuchus?

The constellation Ophiuchus sits on the celestial equator and was one of the 48 original constellations charted by Ptolemy and later adopted by the IAU. Of the 13 zodiacal constellations, Ophiuchus is the only one not designated as an astrological sign. It covers 948 square degrees of sky and ranks 11th in size. Ophiuchus contains 10 main stars in its asterism and has 62 Bayer Flamsteed designated stars within its confines. Ophiuchus is bordered by the constellations of Hercules, Serpens Caput, Libra, Scorpius, Sagittarius, Serpens Cauda, and Aquila. Ophiuchus may indicate the miraculous powers which are ascribed to snake-charmers. Before medicine became a science the role of the physician and priest were combined in many cultures and existed in what we know today as the witch doctor, shaman, or medicine man, and the earliest snake charmers were traditional healers. Their aim was holistic healing, the healing of both mind and body.

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