What is the Neo-Malthusian Theory in Economics?

What is the Neo-Malthusian Theory in Economics?

The neo-Malthusian theory follows Mathus’ theory that the world’s resources will not be able to support the population at a certain point, and the population will turn to chaos, finally resulting in the extinction of humans. It indicates a correlation between food and population growth. Neo-Malthusians believe in abortion and birth control as a way to slow this decreasing resource that the future holds. Neo-Malthusian sees a correlation between not just food and population growth, but population and food, oil, minerals, land, and water. Paul Ehrlich is a very vocal and prominent neo-Malthusian. He wrote the book “Population Bomb” which warned us of a coming mass starvation because of over-population and pushed population control. He encouraged government intervention into the population issue. However, modern neo-Malthusians still argue that even if food is not the problem it appeared it might be, energy and other resources necessary to a modern society are still heavily stressed by a growing world population. Additionally, artesian wells in parts of the world with low rainfall may still lead to food crises in localized regions, creating famine and chaos where people had become accustomed to being well-fed.

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