What is Nestle?

What is Nestle?

The Nestlé Company’s humble roots can be traced back to the first European condensed milk factory that was opened in Cham, Switzerland in 1866, Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Company. The very next year, Henri Nestlé launched his company and focused on creating an early form of infant formula. In 1905, the Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Company merged with Nestlé. By 1918, thanks to increased dairy demand from government, Nestlé had 40 factories worldwide. In the 1920s, despite the economic downturn, Nestlé acquired Peter, Cailler, Kohler Swiss Chocolate Company, creating the chocolate and confectionary side of Nestlé’s business. Nestlé has come a long way from its 19th-century Swiss-German origins in nutritious gruel to become one of the biggest production conglomerates in the world. Nestlé has carried with them their spirit of innovation and nutrition from the 19th century into the 21st century. Today, Nestlé owns more than 2,000 brands that are sold in more than 197 countries around the world. They have a clear objective to be the leader in health and wellness. The company has not limited itself to nutrition but moved into the beauty and health categories in order to create a truly diverse company.

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