What is the cabinet structure of the United Kingdom?

What is the cabinet structure of the United Kingdom?

The cabinet is comprised of thirty different departments. Of the 30 different departments, 14 are generally regarded as major ministries like the Exchequer, Defence, Foreign and Affairs, Home Affairs, Health, Environment, Transport, Housing and are individually and collectively accountable to the prime minister. Among the minor ministries are Communities and Local Government; Children, Schools, and Families; Culture, Media and Sports; Innovation, Universities and Skills; Africa, Asia and the United Nations; Children, Young People and Families; and Olympics. The Cabinet is not a legal body created by a specific law or act of parliament; rather, it came about as a result of “understandings and conventions” that have evolved over the centuries. Members of the cabinet are appointed by the prime minister and serve terms of office coterminous with that of the prime minister’s; all the ministers are members of the party in power and are also collectively referred to as the Privy Council.

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