What is the meaning of the Justice card?

What is the meaning of the Justice card?

The Justice card’s prime message is that of accountability. The message is to that you must be cool-headed as well, and do what’s necessary, no matter how hard, how disagreeable, in order to gain, or regain equilibrium. It is not a nice card, but it is a very wise card. Justice appears to us when we know we should do something and we’re not doing it. Maybe it’s as simple as knowing we ought not to have that third doughnut perhaps it’s as serious as returning something that was stolen back to its rightful owner. Whatever the case, Justice serves as a loud message from our conscience. Harsh but fair, this card speaks of cosmic justice as well as human justice. Everything gets what they deserve in the end. Bad actions lead to inevitable punishment. It is the card of official and legal matters. Contracts are signed, conflicts are settled. When this card closes a spread, it almost always guarantees that the sitter will get what they want, no matter how many obstacles they will face.

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