Who is Japan’s political interest groups?

Who is Japan's political interest groups?

Japanese interest groups, the most influential of which is the Keidanren, the federation of economic organizations; from the Keidanren comes the chief financial support for the ruling political party in Japan – the LDP, Liberal Democratic Party, a critical news media. Agriculture is also a powerful lobby – Japan’s rural community is overly represented in the Diet. Japan’s rural population remain a stronghold of conservative support and the farm lobby is strong both in the key parties and in the bureaucracy. Public opinion has had an increasing impact on foreign policy in recent years; national polls are taken seriously; accordingly to the polls, most Japanese favor close relations with US but wants Japan to have an equal status with Washington, DC and to pursue independent policies on certain matters; PRC has more support than Russia; Japanese youth are strongly attracted to various aspects of Western culture; there has been increasing support for closer economic interaction with other parts of East Asia.


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