Is Time Travel possible?

Is Time Travel possible?

To understand whether time travel is possible, people need to understand the nature of time itself. Experience, and what we see in the world, tells us that time has different characteristics, and that time is like an arrow: it moves in one direction. However, that is biased by our own perceptions and worldview; Einstein’s theory of relativity tells us that every moment is the same. Time does not flow. There is no past, present, and future. There just is. Just because we perceive time a certain way doesn’t mean it actually is that way. Most scientists would agree that no, you cannot travel in time. But, technically, physics doesn’t say it’s a not possible. But to get there, a person would have to pass through what scientists refer to as Einstein-Rosen bridge — also known as a wormhole. By traveling through a wormhole, there is the possibility of connecting to other dimensions in space, and perhaps earlier times in our own set of dimensions.

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