What are some violations on human rights happening in North Korea?

What are some violations on human rights happening in North Korea?

North Korea is notorious for violating human rights within their territory. This now becomes a matter of debate as to whether other states can come to aid or let the government handle its own national matters. Although North Korea is generally described as a Communist government, it could also be characterized as a theocracy. The North Korean government operates 450,000 Revolutionary Research Centers for weekly indoctrination sessions, where attendees are taught that Kim Jong-il was a deity figure whose story began with a miraculous birth atop a legendary Korean mountain. The government has some ways on how they can ensure their population is loyal to its regime. Anyone who is overheard saying anything perceived as critical to the government is subject to a reduced loyalty group rating, torture, execution, or imprisonment in one of North Korea’s ten brutal concentration camps. All radio and television stations, newspapers and magazines, and church sermons are government-controlled and focus on praise of the Dear Leader. Anyone who makes contact with foreigners in any way, or listens to foreign radio stations is in danger of penalties. The North Korean government maintains ten concentration camps, with a total of between 200,000 and 250,000 prisoners contained therein. The North Korean government has no due process system, imprisoning, torturing, and executing prisoners at will. Public executions are also a norm in North Korea.

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