What is the difference between Atheism and Agnosticism?

What is the difference between Atheism and Agnosticism?

Atheism means the doctrine or belief that there is no God. Many atheists perceive religion as a social hindrance that limits people from being able to reach their full human potential. Atheism teaches that religion can be seen as being established as a control mechanism from religious leaders and government authorities to control the masses. Recent statistics show an increasing number of people claiming to be atheists, up to 10 percent of people worldwide. Agnosticism, on the other hand, believes that it is impossible to know whether there is a god or is noncommittal on the issue. Agnostics are not sure whether God exists or not. It is the result of an attempt to understand God through the five senses by which we interact with our world. But since God cannot be discovered by scientific evidence or senses – his existence is rather clearly seen in the things he created. The agnostics conclude that the existence of God cannot be proved or disproved. If the theist is a believer, the atheist is an unbeliever and the agnostic is faithless or a doubter.

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