What is Bipolar Disorder?

What is Bipolar Disorder?

Bipolar disorder is when people experience serious extremes of mood, to the point where their moods interfere with their everyday life. If a person has bipolar disorder, their mood is likely to go through extreme highs and lows. Bipolar I disorder can cause dramatic mood swings. During a manic episode, people with bipolar I disorder may feel high and on top of the world, or uncomfortably irritable. During a depressive episode, they may feel sad and hopeless. Bipolar II disorder involves a person having at least one major depressive episode and at least one hypomanic episode. People return to usual function between episodes. People with bipolar II often first seek treatment because of depressive symptoms, which can be severe. Bipolar disorder doesn’t have a single cause. Most scientists believe that multiple factors act together to create chemical imbalances that produce the disorder. About 5.7 million US adults will experience bipolar disorder at some point during their life.

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