Can air pollution cause stroke?

Can air pollution cause stroke?

Stroke, the third-leading cause of death among Americans, is the most common disease that has been linked to indoor air pollution. A study published in the July 2008 issue of Annals of Neurology revealed a causal connection between particulate matter (particles released by factory smokestacks, vehicle exhaust, pollens, mold, soot, and other sources) and incidences of both ischemic strokes as well as Transient Ischemic Attacks. TIA are also known as ‘mini-strokes’ and often lead to full ischemic strokes later. Even more disturbing is that the study was conducted in an area of relatively low air pollution, implying that homes in industrial areas are in even greater danger. Lead researcher Linda Lisabeth says, “The vast majority of the public is exposed to ambient air pollution at the levels observed in this community or greater every day, suggesting a potentially large public health impact.” Strokes are more common among the elderly, albeit people of all ages can experience them, including children.

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