How to be safe at a college party?

How to be safe at a college party?

It is fun to go out with your friends every now and then to party after a long week of studying, writing papers, reports, and lectures. You deserve to relax and have a great night with your friends at college parties. However, you must not totally relax since there are numerous reports on college students getting drugged in parties, then getting raped or murdered. This does not need to happen if you take precaution on how you handle yourself and your friends in order to have clean fun. Make sure to serve your own drink. Do not take drinks from people you don’t know. To ensure your safety, be the one to serve your own drink and do not leave it behind then drink it afterward. This reduces the risk of being drugged. Watch how much you drink and know when to stop. Being too drunk clogs your mind into thinking straight, thus leading you to dangerous situations you don’t want to be in. Aside from that, remember to not drink and drive. You must have a designated driver in your group or one friend who will accompany you when you decide to take a taxi to go home. Remember that you can socialize with anyone since it’s a party, but only trust your friends to take care of you once you are drunk.

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