What does the movie 12 Years a Slave by Steve McQueen teach today’s society?

What does the movie 12 Years a Slave by Steve McQueen teach today’s society?

In this world, you will never meet a strong person with an easy past. Every individual has a unique experience in life which will either make them or break them. Those who are resilient enough to witness their life’s purpose unfold before their eyes also came to a point where they wanted to quit their battle in life. However, they chose to live. And choosing to live is never an easy choice. Solomon Northup had all the reasons in the world to quit. He could’ve opted to commit suicide, but he didn’t. The choice between living and dying is one of the most difficult choices we all have to make at some point in our lives. Dying is the easy way out, however, I cannot blame the victims of those who chose to end their lives. But in this life, living is the hardest thing we can accomplish as humans. And by living, it should not mean just by merely surviving. By living, it means living a life filled with joy and self-actualization. But alas, life is unfair. That is where our strength will be tested since life and happiness cannot just be given to you on a silver platter. You must fight for want you want, and you have to fight for it hard before you deserve it.  Solomon Northup was able to overcome his life’s tragedy and was able to see his family again, which is the supreme happiness he is asking from God. But, before he attained that supreme happiness, he had to go through 12 difficult years. In reality, we cannot live a perfect life free from pain and suffering. We can only have the virtue of strength, resilience, patience, and courage to withstand every obstacle thrown in our course of life. We cannot simply pray for God’s blessing if we won’t do anything to change our lives. In order to become better individuals, we must work hard for it and put our faith in God that he will not forsake us.

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