Who is Massimo Vignelli?

Who is Massimo Vignelli?

Born in Italy in 1931, Vignelli studied architecture at Politecnico di Milano and later at Universitả di Architettura in Venice. Upon visiting New York in 1966, he started Unimark International, a company which quickly became one of the most well-known design firms in the world. The firm is known for designing several iconic corporate identities, including the American Airlines. Vignelli is also noted for his work on the widely recognized signage and map system of the New York City Subway.  In 1971, Vignelli left Unimark and started Vignelli Associates and Vignelli Designs in 1978. His work spans to a number of areas including graphic, product, and furniture design. From shopping bags being given out in clothing brands like Saks Fifth Avenue and Barney’s in the 1970s, to his clients including the upscale automaker, Ford, Vignelli continued to amaze his audience with his ingenious creations. With the bold and commanding design shaped by the artist together with his wife, Lella Vignelli , the St. Peter’s Lutheran Church offers an elegant place for worship, art exhibitions, and concerts.

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