How to be better in Mathematics?

How to be better in Mathematics?

Math is very much like learning to read. If you don’t know your letter sounds then you have no hope of being able to sound out words, of course, there is no way possible that you could read a book. All math courses are taught in a specific sequence because the every topic builds on the previous topic. If you are having a problem with a topic, continue working with that one until you understand it and can work problems successfully. Watch the DVD section over again, attend tutoring, read the book and examples a second time, or even get a totally different book to have it explained a different way, but whatever you do not turn the page and tackle the next topic. If you do, you will get even more frustrated and you in all likelihood will begin to give up hope. What you need to do is begin by first writing down the problem. Then you begin to solve it one step at a time. Write down even the simple things. What you need to ensure is that every single step that you write down is perfectly legal. This gives you a paper trail to check your work and also, it allows you to break the problem down into bite-sized chunks.  Always work problems vertically, with one step on every line. Never work horizontally. It may take more paper, but you will be able to follow your steps much more easily. More importantly, the teacher will be able to follow your work much better which allows him/her to give you partial credit. Math does not to be frustrating when you try your best to give time for your skills to develop with practice and patience.

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