How does the realists and liberalists view the Chilean Military Coup of 1973?

How does the realists and liberalists view the Chilean Military Coup of 1973?

The Chilean Government had the absolute right to arrest and extract information from leftists during the Chilean military coup in 1973, regardless if the method is inhumane. Chile is a sovereign state; therefore, external intervention should be ticked off the list, even for humanitarians.  The government is restoring peace and order within its borders and for to sake of protecting the oligarchs from the protesters’ point of view, military force was used to arrest, execute on the spot or torture supporters of left-wing politics. During that time of the cold war, Chile was a battle ground for people to fight for their own causes. If the government’s solution is to torture people to protect the sovereignty, then it is completely rational. From a Realist’s perspective, the end justifies the means.  the Chilean government is a sovereign state, and they took the measures to protect its dignity and territory. On the other hand, from a Liberalist’s perspective, it is wrong to d people you aim to coexist with. A Liberalist aims to better its community through cooperation, while a Realist strives to better its community through self-preservation. With the right balance of both, peace can be achieved without the need to establish grotesque institutions. We can protect ourselves from harm while peacefully cooperating with others.

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