What is the Illuminati?

What is the Illuminati?

Conspiracy theorists would have you believe that the Illuminati is still at large, controlling the world on a global scale due to its presence inside worldwide financial institutions, national governments, and even multi-national organizations. The Illuminati were founded in the late 18th century in Italy. At this time, Masonic lodges were taking the place of academics as centers of scholarly and political discussion. The Illuminati is often compared to the Masonic, as both are known for secret rituals and reportedly influential membership. The former, however, is considered more radical and enigmatic. The Illuminati likes to keep itself hidden off as a secret group which any outsider cannot infiltrate – and the meaning of the organization’s name reflects this. “Illuminati” literally means “enlightened” in Latin – and supposedly contains members who are better informed and more knowledgeable than those are not in the organization. In popular culture – including in the film and book “Angels and Demons” – the Illuminati are often portrayed as a religious order, sometimes even with links to the papacy and the Catholic Church. However, the Illuminati was actually set up as a secular, non-religious sect who wanted to dismiss religious influence over public life and state power. Another one of the founding principles of the Illuminati that is misunderstood is that it was against superstition and “obscurantism” – which is when facts are deliberately withheld from the public. Ironically, the Illuminati has become one of the most mysterious and unusual groups in the world – almost the stuff of legend – and so is almost in opposition to its own founding principles.

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