What can patients diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis do with their condition?

What can patients diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis do with their condition?

It is important for patients with potential or diagnosed Multiple Sclerosis to have a reliable care and rehabilitation provider to help them cope with the changes in their body and lifestyle. Finding a care provider can start with searching for organizations or groups that specialize in a patient’s needs. There are care providers especially for U.S. Veterans and for children and teens. These providers can help assess the needs and provide an understanding of the disease a patient is currently undergoing. Rehabilitation and medicines are available within care providers or trusted doctors. Rehabilitation teams may include: Physical therapy for improving motor skills and functions, Occupational Therapy to enhance your independence, productivity, and safety for the patient to have an easier time living a normal life, Cognitive Rehabilitation for improving the mental health of the patient and how they think, reason, concentrate, and remember information, Vocational Rehabilitation for helping patients maintain their current professions and employment status with the help of technological assistants, and lastly, Speech-Language Pathology to treat patients who have a difficult time with speech and communication and swallowing. 

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