Why should you remove makeup at night?

Why should you remove makeup at night?

Sleeping in makeup can be detrimental to the skin’s health. This is especially true because the skin repairs itself at night while you sleep, so makeup can clog your pores and not allow the skin to breathe. It can cause uneven skin tone, dryness, redness, acne, and even deepening of wrinkles. And that’s not all. Sleeping in your makeup can increase your exposure to free radicals, leading to collagen breakdown and skin that ages faster. Aside from that, sleeping in makeup is one of the biggest mistakes a woman can make where her skin is concerned. Doing so can block pores, leaving oil trapped inside. This leads to bacteria build up, breakouts, and enlarged pores. But it’s not just makeup  environmental factors come into play as well. Pollution from each day accumulates on the skin, mixing with makeup, dirt, and oil. This combination of free radicals and environmental stress has been shown to cause premature aging of the skin.

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