How can we better use an email database of 15,000 people to get boot camp sales?

How can we better use an email database of 15,000 people to get boot camp sales?

Using the large email database to advertise promos and coupon codes can help increase sales. According to, reducing length and frequency can help increase the success of email newsletters. People would actually read newsletters if the content is short, concise, eye-catching and not just merely spamming people through emailing them with the same content. Less is more when it comes to optimizing newsletter marketing. A chart presented by state that marketing is one of the industries with low open rates. A personal experience in receiving newsletters was from a relationship website and their newsletter had interesting headlines. This can be used as a tactic in getting audiences open the newsletters. But this is also a double-edged sword because people may brand the newsletter as misleading. So, that in-charge of the newsletter writing should be careful in creating headlines and should focus on “less wordy” content and more interesting infographics.

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