Just how accurate is Google Translate when translating Italian to English?

Just how accurate is Google Translate when translating Italian to English?

Google Translate is great to use for literal translations, but not advisable for lengthy documents. When using Google Translate, it might be equivalent to the literal meaning, which might not make sense to fluent to both Italian and English speakers alike. A compound noun in English would be translated verbatim by Google in many cases. In English, the subjunctive, indicative and imperative have no significant morphological differences. But the Italian tenses and moods are more elaborate. (Eg.:A sentence in past continuous is translated to Imperfetto+gerundio, a different tense altogether. ) Even while looking up for words, the translation shows many results. It is at the user’s discretion to choose the appropriate word. Moreover, the language to language issues, Google Translate cannot make up for an actual translator. Translation is not just about words and tenses, but about mood, style, dialect etc. Google translate’s accuracy is limited to words, greetings and common phrases. Therefore, if a person wishes to have the most accurate translation, then opting for a human translation is much better than using Google Translate or any online translator for that matter.


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