What can the International Community do regarding the proliferation of North Korea’s Nuclear Weapons?

What can the International Community do regarding the proliferation of North Korea’s Nuclear Weapons?

There is a deep concern that lies between the ongoing threats of nuclear attacks and the safety of the nearby states where the debris of North Korea’s long-range missiles might fall during testing. Even though foreign states do not have the right to question the choices of the regime inside its own territory, they also do have the right to look out for the protection of their own territory from North Korea’s nuclear weapons. Since foreign military threats and United Nations sanctions are proven to be futile or have no legal basis, the only option left is to disregard hostile methods and resort to friendly diplomatic negotiations. Institutions and foreign states can enter a bilateral agreement with North Korea to reduce its nuclear production in exchange for aid or resources for its nationals. Foreign states can transform its foreign polices to North Korea into something less hostile to ensure the government that they recognize and respect their sovereignty, thus, North Korea should also observe respect to treaties and agreements. And lastly, when North Korea reneges from agreements, then states are permitted to engage in defensive war if circumstances permit them to do so. In conclusion, the does not need to experience another world war. Testimonies from historical literature are enough to convince the world to continue with peaceful negotiations and strengthening of diplomatic relations.

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