What are some of the greatest space achievements of mankind?

What are some of the greatest space achievements of mankind?

Fifty-four good years have passed since Yuri Gagarin, the first man in space, left the Earth’s orbit in Vostok 1 and traveled for 108 minutes around Earth, and then in space. The Russians were the first men to successfully launch a spacecraft with a human on board. This is a proof that mankind is racing to have a glimpse of the stars. Ever since the first space probe was launched in 1957, the fascination with outer space is more than just a fantasy due to the amazing progress made.  On April 12, 1961, the Vostok 1 was on its way to space from the Soviet Union. This is the platform of galactic milestones including the Hubble Space Telescope, Moon Landing, and Mars Exploration.  The desire to see farther into space have grown deeper since the Hubble Space Telescope was launched in 1990. It is one of NASA’s most successful and longest running projects. With the help of the telescope, scientists can now determine more accurate data and information about celestial bodies. It has also revealed the age of the universe which is about 10 to 20 billion years old. The telescope also gives clear images of different bodies since it orbits the Earth. The Hubble Space telescope is an integral part of Astronomy since it produces more than 10,000 articles. Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins, and Edwin Aldrin Jr. were the names taught in elementary school about the men who landed on the moon. On July 20, 1969, with a live television coverage, Commander Neil Armstrong became the historical man who first got to the moon. Their successful launch was thanks to President Kennedy. He wanted a man from his country to be able to get to the moon since they were falling behind the progress of Soviet Union. The crew spent two hours and a half on the moon’s surface, collecting samples to be taken home to Earth. Their footsteps were truly a leap for mankind.

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