Can pollution cause heart diseases?

Can pollution cause heart diseases?

Air pollution has also been shown to be a contributing factor in the development of ischaemic heart disease. The WHO confirms that heart disease is the number two most fatal disease caused by indoor air pollution. Getting rid of air pollution has been found to lower several major risk factors for heart disease. According to Dr. Clifford Bassett of Allergy and Asthma Care of New York, ‘just being exposed to air pollution can increase your heart rate, your blood pressure.’ Lowering your exposure to airborne particles also can also reduce inflammation and improve the health of the lining of the blood vessels. At least one study has also discovered that the use of air filters has a measurable effect on both inflammation and interior artery lining. According to Dr. Leroy Rabbini of New York Presbyterian Hospital, “Anything that we can do to improve the health of the inner lining of the arteries as well as to reduce inflammation will ultimately down the line lead to fewer heart attacks.”

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