Why should people stand up against Rape Culture?

Why should people stand up against Rape Culture?

Rape is not an urgent matter in the eyes of some. However, when you look closer to the lives affected and perspectives changed, it is clearly seen that rape is also a form of robbery. When someone steals something away from you by force and inflicts fear, that is classified as robbery. When someone is raped, the victim would feel as if their dignity is snatched away from them because this is what society dictates them to feel. Rape does not take away the victim’s dignity, and instead, it destroys the self-respect of the rapist.   No one can really describe the trauma of a rape victim through words. A great writer may convey the feelings of the victim through their elegant literary devices, however, it will never be the same until it happens to you. And even before it can happen to you, or your family, or your friends, we can all put an end to the pandemonium of rape culture.  It is only right and just that equal respect to every human being is given, not as a privilege, but as a human right granted to every single one of us regardless of who they are. When equal respect to every human is attained, the group believes that transcendence towards a greater tomorrow will be bestowed upon future generations.  Every 72 minutes, a Filipina is raped. And what are some of the alleged reasons of a rapist? Someone was raped because they wore provocative clothing. Someone was raped because they were deemed as a slut. Do not let yourself, or a loved one be next just because of petty reasons. Respect is not a political statement, but a human right. Stand up for what you believe in, and join the fight against rape culture.

The post Why should people stand up against Rape Culture? appeared first on interaksyonph.


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